Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood *Spoiler Free* Review


Title: Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Release Date: March 23, 2020

Rating: 5/5 stars


Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life—working hard all day and partying all night—until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation. She’ll do whatever it takes to avenge their deaths.

Hunt Athalar is a notorious Fallen angel, now enslaved to the Archangels he once attempted to overthrow. His brutal skills and incredible strength have been set to one purpose—to assassinate his boss’s enemies, no questions asked. But with a demon wreaking havoc in the city, he’s offered an irresistible deal: help Bryce find the murderer, and his freedom will be within reach.

As Bryce and Hunt dig deep into Crescent City’s underbelly, they discover a dark power that threatens everything and everyone they hold dear, and they find, in each other, a blazing passion—one that could set them both free, if they’d only let it.


Finally its over!!

This book was such struggle for me.

Maybe its because Maas made the switch to adult books, maybe it was the 800+ pages or maybe it was the fact that I started it in the middle of a pandemic.

Perhaps it was a combination of all three.

Either way getting into the book was rough. Way to much information all at once.

However, I couldn’t give it a low rating because once I got into it, the book was amazing.

The characters were so different yet also so classic Maas at the same time.

I love Bryces development all through the book. She changes a lot and really shows her growth through difficult times.

The world building is also phenomenal. While it could’ve been written better, I love the concept with the modern technology mixed in with our fantasy type worlds.

Also Maas vampires I’m so here for. I hope she branches off to write a book about them I think that would be such a cool move for her.

The ending is also AMAZING and I am so ready for more.

Overall, despite the rough beginning I am glad I went back and finished the book.

I was worth all the time and effort and I may even see a reread in my future.

Thats it for me guys!

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Ill see you all next time!


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