Illuminae *Spoiler Free* Review


So I’m getting ahead of myself.

First 5/5 stars no question. 

The authors of this book are genius and I hope other authors take note because this book was amazing.

I know books sometimes get over hyped and its like why?! But this book deserves every bit of hype it gets.

As always ill start with the things I liked so enjoy the next hour of me telling you why you NEED to read this book.

So reason #1 Ezra Mason……..that is all if you read the book you feel me if you haven’t well book boyfriend alert.

Also very few authors have the beautiful talent of making me despise a character and then change my mind and make me love them (Sarah J. Mass is the queen at this). It is done really well in this book and I LOVE IT when writing is so good the author can literally make me feel the way the intend! Well done my beautiful geniuses!!!

Okay so for the sake of not boring you to death ill move on to my one complaint which is one I can live with obviously since it is still a 5 star read.

Buuutttt because the entire book is basically IMs and other collected documents we don’t really get to know the characters like in traditional books. Like were not in anyone’s head and that’s really the best way to get to know a character.

However, I still gave it five stars because I still LOVED the characters and the writing and the genius-ness of this book.

If you haven’t read this book put it at the top because WOW! Totally worth it!!

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