My Literary Soul Tag

Hey everyone!! Its time for a new tag!!

This tag was created by the lovely Aly @thelittlelibrarian and it is basically all about the books that have touched your life.

All of the books in this tag have been very important to my reading life and continue to shape me into the reader I am.

This list will forever be incomplete and I hope I find so many more influential books in my lifetime.

So lets get to it!!

Im going to do my best to talk about each book in order from when I read them. I don’t remember specific dates but ill talk about specific moments of my life.

The first book on this list is Twilight! I know a lot of people hate this book but I wouldn’t be a reader without it. When I discovered this book as a young girl I realized I loved reading and it meant so much to me at the time. This one will forever be the most important to me.

After I found twilight I was given a book called Blue Bloods. This book showed me that I could relate to characters and gain a lot from their stories. Reading this as a young girl kept me on my journey to being the reader I am today.

The next book is Cress. Marissa Meyer is the first author I ever met and this was such an amazing experience for me. I also learned I have a love for sci-fi books from reading this one and now that is what I mostly read.

Continuing my love for sci-fi is this beautiful gem of a book Illuminae. This book was everything when I read it. The characters were so funny and the style the book is written in is a reading experience like I’ve never had before.

Next up is The Queens Rising. This is such an underrated book for me. As soon as I read it I fell in love and I went through it so fast. There are a lot of perts I truly connected with.

More recently I have read a book called The End and Other Beginnings. This book has such amazing short stories I loved this through and through. Not only is the writing impeccable but I also connected to these characters in a way I hadn’t experience before in any other book.

Last but in no way least is Heir of Fire. This book is amazing. I loved this one from start to finish and the point the characters were in was so helpful for my life at the time. I really appreciate the way Maas captures human emotion making her characters so raw and real.

There are so many others I wanted to put in this list but really these are the main ones.

I absolutely loved this tag and getting to look back on my reading life to reflect on all I’ve learned.

I definitely want to do an updated version in the future because I love seeing my growth as a reader.

I won’t tag anybody on here but I encourage everyone to do this it is so fun!!

Thats it for me all check out this post on my instagram and tell me about books that have changed your life!!

Bye for now!

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