Cruel Prince *Spoiler Free* Review

3.5/5 Stars

My lowest rated book this year. I’m extremely disappointed in this one and mostly because of all the hype its gotten.

So as usual I’m going to start with the good things although there aren’t many.

First things first is prince Carden. I LOVED his character even in the beginning of the book I knew he was going to be my favorite. His character was so different than the usual male love interest that I’m used to seeing in YA.

The final good thing ill say about this is that the end made me want to read more and I will read the next book. I’m hoping that its much better than the first but I’m willing to give it a second chance.

So on to the bad stuff.

First is the fact that the characters are SO young. Especially Jude and the first half of the book is her dealing with “bullies” at her school. This is something we usually see in contemporary but in a fantasy it makes the book a bit immature for me.

And Jude’s character?!?! I would’ve liked her to be more confident and a bit stronger. Her thoughts make me wanna scream. Its like the author wanted us to believe that she would go along whenever she considered doing something unexpected but it ended up just falling flat.

Now I know you guys probably are tired of hearing this but literally NOTHING happens until 250 pages in?!?! What’s up with that? I’m expected to read more than half the book for things to get exciting? No. The answer is just no.

Lastly, well not last but this is all I’m gonna rant about. There’s way to much magic in this. Which brings us back to the childishness. This book belonged in a middle graders hands. Some of the things in there are just ridiculous. Like a frog you can ride? That’s silly and not magical at all.

When it comes to fantasy you want to be just that a fantasy but I’m sorry to say this is one fantasy I’m never gonna have.

All in all I feel like the author tried way to hard on this one and I really hope the next one will be much better!

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